Estimate Costs for a Chronic Condition

Endpoint for estimating short and long term costs associated with a given chronic condition.


Description: The condition cost estimate endpoint calculates estimated costs for a given chronic condition based on a user's age, zip code, and gender.

Endpoint: /v1/condition_cost_estimate and /v1/conditions

Status: Live -- Please Contact Us to Learn More

Example use-case: Estimate the cost for a user who has Type 1 Diabetes so they can plan their personal finances accordingly.

Diving In

Use this endpoint to show a user's cost estimates across various time horizons to better plan for future costs associated with a subset of common chronic conditions.

Example Request

See below for an example API request. Parameters include condition_ids, member_age, member_zip, and member_gender.

curl -X GET \
      &member_gender=m \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer your_token'



Leverage an additional parameter ("member_age_max") to set the upper bound age to calculate costs for a dependent.

For example: if a user has a child who is 18 years old and is expected to be on his/her parent's insurance until he/she is 25 years old, one could add "member_age_max"=25. This would result in the "cost_estimates" being calculated within the set time horizon for the dependent member.

Note: The minimum age at which the cost estimate data is available is 18 years old.

Example JSON Output

See below for an example JSON output for the call above. Cost estimates are shown on a one, five, and ten year time horizon as well as across the remainder of an individual's lifetime.

    "parameters": {
        "conditions": [
                "uuid": "1fb1974e-d8e5-4d62-a011-ce320d832525",
                "display": "Osteoporosis"
        "member_age": 65,
        "member_zip": "30013",
        "member_gender": "m"
    "data": {
        "cost_estimates": {
            "one_year": 1780.24,
            "five_year": 7273.93,
            "ten_year": 16815.64,
            "lifetime": 58401.53

Reference Endpoint - /v1/conditions


Leverage the /v1/conditions endpoint to see all covered ICD codes for a single chronic condition

Example Request:

curl -X GET \
  ' \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer your_token'
curl -X GET \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer your_token'

Sample JSON Output:

    "uuid": "808a450b-4ae1-4948-94d8-73a3ed52782a",
    "display": "Diabetes - Type I",
    "condition_code_count": 113,
    "condition_codes" : [
            "code": "E10",
            "type": "ICD",
            "description": "Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus"
            "code": "E10.22",
            "type": "ICD",
            "description": "Type 1 diabetes mellitus with diabetic chronic kidney disease"
            "code": "E10.65",
            "type": "ICD",
            "description": "Type 1 diabetes mellitus with hyperglycemia"