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Search for Location Types


You can use the Location Types reference endpoint to search through Ribbon's available location types. Note, this endpoint doesn't include /custom in the request URL like most of our other endpoints. To see all location types, you can perform the following request:


Your team can use this endpoint to power a dropdown for users to select the relevant location type or to identify the relevant ones ahead of time. The display_name can be used as an input to the /locations endpoint through the location_types parameter. The parameter accepts an exact match of the display_name string found in the reference endpoint.

{ "uuid": "b5458763-968e-4690-bc70-f29d3a7459a9", "display_name": "Ambulatory Surgery Center" }, { "uuid": "ce353de6-a20b-4283-9162-93b3b9be9570", "display_name": "Assisted Living Facility" }, { "uuid": "23d2210d-64b8-4c63-9429-61a3cadb8ad5", "display_name": "Clinic" }, { "uuid": "14d639bf-c0f8-4d59-b437-da3c5931a270", "display_name": "Clinic - Dental" }

partial response from location_types endpoint

Search for locations by location type

Try out the following request to surface imaging centers in New York City!

https://api.ribbonhealth.com/v1/custom/locations?address=New York City, NY&min_confidence=3&location_types=Imaging Center