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What are TINs?

TINs are 9-digit unique tax identification numbers used to represent unique billing entities. TINs are used by healthcare organizations to identify themselves as the associated billing entity on administrative documents including billing statements, claim forms, and tax returns.

It is important to note that billing entities do not align 1:1 with the healthcare organizations we are familiar with in the market as distinct organizations.

Ribbon's TINs dataset

Our TINs data maps the relationship between TINs and NPIs, Locations and associated TINs/Billing entities. We can map the following different relationships:

  • TIN <> Location <> NPI
  • TIN <> Location
  • TIN <> NPI

The data

  • tin: 9 digit identification code used by the IRS for business entities and used for contracting and paying provider/facility claims
  • name: The billing entity name that appears on claims data, or if available, the official legal name of the billing entity.
  • legal_name: The legal name of the entity associated with the TIN
  • address: The address of the organization associated with the TIN. This could be the primary service location or billing location
  • tin_confirmed: A yes/no field that assesses whether a TIN is likely to be confirmed or requires additional nreview. The field is powered by business logic that triangulates IRS data and claims data.


TINs data is compiled from a breadth of accredited data sources, including the IRS, IQVIA, PECOS, AHA, Claims, secondary payer & health system sources.

Ribbon applies business logic to create TIN name field and TIN confirmed field:

  • Tin confirmed is informed by IRS data and/or if a TIN has a claim recently (between 6 months and one year).
  • TIN entity names are created by evaluating the following information:
    • IRS name
    • Claims name
    • Most common name